After ten years during which Victor Quijada and Anne Plamondon brilliantly developed the distinctive signature of RUBBERBAND, for Empirical Quotient, the company turned to six high-level dancers from different disciplines (classical ballet, contemporary and urban dance, and circus arts), who all trained in the RUBBERBAND Method, which is brought to full fruition here.
Quijada’s choreographic approach centres on character study on one hand, and refined formal composition on the other to achieve a theatrical exploration of human relations. The work deals with dependence, rejection, and empathy, and constitutes a complex exercise in athleticism and precision.
The premiere of Empirical Quotient took place in November 2013 at the Cinquième Salle of Place des Arts, in Montreal.
A RUBBERBAND production, coproduced with the CanDance Creation Fund, Danse Danse, Grand Theatre Kingston, Guelph Dance, Théâtre Hector-Charland, and Société de la Place des Arts de Montréal, and with the kind collaboration of the Segal Performing Arts Centre.
With the support of the Conseil des arts de Montréal, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Ontario Arts Council, and the Canada Council for the Arts.